Fullstack Website Developer

Bogdan Marian

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Bogdan’s role at Webdipity

Bogdan is driven and enthusiastic about developing new websites/applications, customer relationship management (CRM) applications and developing fantastic content management systems (CMS), plugins, templates and more.

As a developer, Bogdan plays an important part in developing/deploying and applying the best seo/marketing solutions for our clients. He likes to analyse and offer proper feedback to our client’s, regarding their projects, and also to get familiar with their core values, like vision and goals.

Bogdan is motivated to combine the art of design with the art of programming. He spends a lot of time learning new techniques and actively collaborates with other developers to learn web development through a variety of forms/social groups, about advancements in web design and development.

Bogdan’s experience

Before Webdipity, Bogdan spent time in varying roles, as follows:

  • Freelancer (working on CMS paltforms like Wordpress or Magento) for various clients;
  • Graphic designer for european projects (using tools like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw);
  • IT and PR expert for european projects (creating the projects branding guidline, inclusing logos, brochures, leaflets, color schemes, etc);
  • Web developer for specific european projects (creating platforms where the beneficiaries could upload their business plans);

Technologies used


Using modern HTML5 for client templates


Using CSS3 styling for animations and appealing UI's


Javascript is used for website interactivity and a better overall user experience


PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications (like Wordpress)


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